Repeat Payments


A repeat payment is where the user processes payments from their customers on a fixed or variable schedule

  • Fixed Schedule means that each payment is taken at a regular frequency for a fixed amount.

  • Variable Schedule means each payment’s date and amount set is completely different.  

The user supplies the initial setup information including frequency, amount and number of instalments, and the payments are executed automatically on their scheduled days.


When creating a repeat payment schedule, there are a number of options that can be customised.

Payment source

A schedule created from a new card can either use ECOM (customer enters the card details) or MOTO (merchant enters the card details) methods. Additionally, a schedule can be created from an existing transaction. Please see here on how to securely load the card fields.

Schedule type

Fixed schedule

A fixed schedule can be created for a limited amount of instalments, or an unlimited schedule with no end date set. With unlimited instalments, the system will initially only create the first 15 payments. Each time a payment is processed, a new future payment will be added to the schedule. You can also set the initial and final payment amounts to be different then the standard reoccurring amount.

Variable schedule

A variable schedule requires you to add the date and amount of each payment.

Start date

The start date can be chosen as today (where the initial payment will be processed immediately), or on a future date.

Additional features


A confirmation receipt is automatically sent to both the Merchant and Customer when a schedule is created. If the start date was today, a receipt for the initial payment will also be sent.


A notification URL can be passed when creating the schedule.
The URL will receive webhook notifications when each payment is processed (successfully or failed)

Notifications will also be sent if any actions are performed on the schedule within the Blink platform (e.g. payments are added/removed/edited/refunded).

Endpoints Overview

  • POST repeat-payments: This allows you to create a fixed or variable schedule from a new card, using either the MOTO or ECOM method. It also allows you to create a schedule from an existing transaction.

  • GET repeat-payments: Retrieve the details of all the repeat payment schedules that have been created.

  • GET repeat-payments/schedule_id: This can be used to fetch the details of a specific repeat payment schedule.