All repeat payment schedules are stored securely by Blink. The Blink API allows you to fetch the schedule and payments information, and update certain details.
Manage your schedules
You can fetch all the repeat payment schedules that you have created, or specify a particular schedule.
The details of the schedule and its related payments will be supplied. When fetching all schedules, there is an option to filter by the status of the schedules (e.g. only Active schedules)
Delete a scheduled payment/Cancel all remaining payments
This allows you to remove a scheduled payment from the schedule, or to cancel the schedule itself, which will remove all its remaining future payments.
Additional actions
Refund a processed payment
A processed payment can be refunded.
Retry a processed payment that failed
A processed payment that was declined can be retried. We advise you confirm with the customer that they have the funds available and that the card is still valid (to prevent unnecessary attempts at retries that will also result in further declined messages).
Add a new card
If the customer card has expired or is otherwise not valid anymore, a new card can be added to process the remaining payments.
Further information
Schedule statuses
Active - This means the payments have started
Pending - This means the first payment has not yet been processed
Cancelled - This means the schedule has been cancelled. No further payments will be processed
Completed - This means all the payments have been processed. No further payments will be processed
Payment statuses
Pending – This payment has not yet been processed
Captured – This payment was processed successfully today
Accepted – This payment was processed successfully and has moved onto the settlement stage
Declined – This payment was processed but failed
Refunded – This payment was processed successfully, and then refunded
Cancelled – The entire schedule was cancelled
Removed – This specific payment was removed
Endpoints Overview
GET repeat-payments: Retrieve the details of all the repeat payment schedules that have been created.
GET repeat-payments/schedule_id: This can be used to fetch the details of a specific repeat payment schedule.
POST repeat-payments/retry/schedule_id: This allows you to retry a failed payment
DELETE repeat-payments/cancel/schedule_id: This allows you to cancel/refund a successfully processed payment.
DELETE repeat-payments/scehdule_id: This allows you to cancel a schedule and all its remaining payments, or to delete a specific scheduled payment.
POST repeat-payments/card/schedule_id: This allows you to change the card being used for the schedule.