This guide covers all of the things you need to start using the API straight away, as well as listing the various functionalities of the API.
As mentioned earlier in the documentation you will need both a sandbox and/or Blink account, and you will need the associated set of API credentials. These will be used to generate an access token with the tokens endpoint which you will then use to access the other API endpoints using Bearer authentication. The full documentation is listed in our API reference.
Taking payments​
When using the API you can take payments with card, open banking or Direct Debit. Each of the payment flows start with creating a payment intent. Which is an object which contains all of the attributes associated with the payment your customer is about to make.
Processing payments​
Once you've created your payment intent the next step is to create a form for your customer or agent to enter the customer details.
Form Requirements for Card
When processing card payments, you will also need to use our HostedFields.js library to securely take and tokenize the customers card details. More details are in the payment page article on how to integrate this.
For card ECOM transactions, the API will return you a HTML form which you can embed or alternatively you can construct the form from the rest of the payment intent response.
After the user has submitted the form, your server will need to process the 3ds data received in the response. This will either finish processing the payment or return a url or form so you user can complete 3D secure.
Payment Flows
The diagrams below showcase all of the steps involved in processing each type of payment method, as well as whether the action is on your server, the client, or through a redirect url.