

This endpoint processes direct debits payments and returns to the user-defined URL with a url encoded transaction response.

Request Body

  • payment_intent (string, required): The payment intent token.

  • given_name(string, required): The first name of the customer making the payment.

  • family_name(string, required): The surname of the customer making the payment.

  • company_name (string, optional): User’s company name. It’s required only if user’s given name and family name are not present.

  • email (string, required): The email address of the customer making the payment.

  • country_code(string, optional): ISO country code. Default value GB.

  • customer_address (string, optional): Customer’s address details.

  • customer_postcode (string, optional): Customer’s postcode.

  • account_holder_name(string, required): Customer’s bank account name.

  • branch_code (integer, required): Customer’s bank short code.

  • account_number (integer, required): Customer’s bank account number.

  • merchant_data (Json, optional): Additional custom data related to the merchant or customer.

Response Body

  • status (string): Indicates the status of the transaction, such as "success" or "failure".

  • transaction_id (string): Unique identifier for the transaction.

  • transaction_status (string): Status of the transaction, e.g., "processed", "pending", "failed".

  • transaction_response_code (string): Response code for the transaction.

  • transaction_response_message (string): Message associated with the transaction response.

Type bearer
Header parameters
ExampleBearer eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJtZXJjaGFudF9pZCI6NDM5OCwic2VjcmV0X2tleSI6IjYzMTBlNDhiZGQwZTQzODE0NTlhNjJiNDZkMmM0ZmQ2ZThhYjY1YTJhNGQ1MjA1YzZjM2RkZWJmYmJhZWJiZjgiLCJleHAiOjE3MjA3MDcyNjZ9.91qa4veQ9xGVM-Jc_3_i_vaykEdYarRwUzb-37aLD0c
Body parameters
Example{ "payment_intent": "{{payment_intent}}", "given_name": "{{$randomFirstName}}", "family_name": "{{$randomLastName}}", "company_name": null, "email": "{{$randomEmail}}", "country_code": "GB", "account_holder_name": "{{$randomFullName}}", "branch_code": "200000", "account_number": "55779911", "iban": null, "merchant_data": "{\"order_id\": \"dd-12345678\"}" }

Successful response