Create Paylink


This endpoint creates a payment link to be used for a one-time transaction.

Request Body

  • payment_method(array, required): Can be one or more of the following:
    • credit-card
    • direct-debit
    • open-banking
  • transaction_type(string, required): Can be one of the following:
    • SALE
    • VERIFY
  • full_name (string, required): Customer full name.
  • email (string, optional): Customer email.
  • mobile_number (string, optional): Customer mobile number.
  • transaction_unique (string, required): Unique transaction reference.
  • is_decide_amount (boolean, optional): If the customer decides the amount.
  • amount (float, required): Transaction amount.
  • currency (string, required): Currency of the transaction. See the token's response for available currencies.
  • reminder (boolean, optional): If reminder will be sent to the customer. Defaults to false.
  • reminder_interval_count (integer, optional): If reminder is true, you need to mention the number of days/weeks
  • reminder_interval_frequency(string, optional): If reminder is true, you need to mention the interval frequency. It can be one of the following:
    1. days
    2. week
  • notes (string, optional): Add any note to describe the Paylink request to the customer.
  • notification_url (string, optional): POST URL on your domain, where Blink will send status updates via POST when the transaction status is changed e.g.
  • redirect_url (string, optional): GET URL on your domain, where Blink will send transaction details when the transaction is done e.g.

Response Body

  • id (string): The unique identifier for the payment link.
  • paylink_url (string): The URL for the payment link that can be shared with the customer.
  • transaction_unique (string): The unique identifier of the transaction that will be made from the payment link.
Type bearer
Header parameters
ExampleBearer eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJtZXJjaGFudF9pZCI6NDM5OCwic2VjcmV0X2tleSI6IjYzMTBlNDhiZGQwZTQzODE0NTlhNjJiNDZkMmM0ZmQ2ZThhYjY1YTJhNGQ1MjA1YzZjM2RkZWJmYmJhZWJiZjgiLCJleHAiOjE3MjA3MDcyNjZ9.91qa4veQ9xGVM-Jc_3_i_vaykEdYarRwUzb-37aLD0c
Body parameters
Example{ "payment_method": [ "credit-card", "open-banking" ], "transaction_type": "SALE", "full_name": "Joe Blogs", "email": "", "currency": "GBP", "mobile_number": "0753215468", "transaction_unique": "Postman Test", "is_decide_amount": true, "amount": 2.01, "notes": "test note", "reminder": true, "reminder_interval_count": 2, "reminder_interval_frequency": "days", "notification_url": "", "redirect_url": "" }

Successful response