Create Intents


This endpoint allows you to create a new intent.

Request Body

  • transaction_type(string, required): Type of transaction. Default value is set to SALE. If passed, it can only be one of the following:
    • SALE
    • VERIFY
    • CREDIT
  • payment_type(string, required): Type of payment. It can only be one of the following:
    • credit-card
    • direct-debit
    • open-banking
  • amount (number, required): Amount of the transaction (for transaction_type VERIFY, amount should be left out).
  • currency (string, required): Currency of the transaction. See the token's response for available currencies.
  • return_url (string, required): GET URL to return to after transaction completion.
  • notification_url (string, required): POST URL for transaction notification as the transaction is completed.
  • card_layout(string, optional): Different structure of card layout for any transaction. This field is optional. If not passed, default value is basic.
  • customer_name (string, optional): Name of the customer, this will prefill the customer_name in the element responses.
  • customer_email (string, optional): Email of the customer, this will prefill the customer_email in the element responses. 
  • customer_address (string, optional): Address of the customer, this will prefill the customer_address in the element responses. 
  • customer_postcode(string, optional): Postcode of the customer, this will prefill the customer_postcode in the element responses. 
  • card_layout(string, optional): Different structure of card layout for any transaction. This field is optional. If not passed, default value is basic. 
    • basic
    • single-line
    • multi-line
  • delay_capture_days (integer, optional): Number of days for which the transaction will be delayed. This field can be passed only for SALE and CREDIT transactions. The maximum number is 30.

Response Parameters

  • id(number): The unique identifier of the intent.
  • payment_intent (string): The type of payment intent.
  • transaction_type (string): The type of transaction.
  • expiry_date (string): The expiry date of the intent.
  • status (string): The status of the intent.
  • payment_type (string): The type of payment.
  • currency (string): The currency of the transaction.
  • amount (number): The amount of the transaction.
  • return_url (string): The URL to return to after the transaction.
  • notification_url (string): The URL for transaction notifications.
  • card_layout (string): The layout of the card inputs in ccElement and ccMotoElement.
  • element(object): An object containing specific elements for credit card, moto, and online banking transactions:
    1. ccElement (string): Credit card element.
    2. ccMotoElement (string): Moto (Mail Order/Telephone Order) element.
    3. obElement (string): Open banking element.
    4. ddElement (string): Direct debit element.
    5. gpElement (string): Google Pay element.
    6. apElement (string): Apple Pay element.
  • merchant_id (number): The identifier of the merchant.
  • transaction_unique (string): The unique identifier of the transaction.

Type bearer
Header parameters
ExampleBearer eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJtZXJjaGFudF9pZCI6NDM5OCwic2VjcmV0X2tleSI6IjYzMTBlNDhiZGQwZTQzODE0NTlhNjJiNDZkMmM0ZmQ2ZThhYjY1YTJhNGQ1MjA1YzZjM2RkZWJmYmJhZWJiZjgiLCJleHAiOjE3MjA3MDcyNjZ9.91qa4veQ9xGVM-Jc_3_i_vaykEdYarRwUzb-37aLD0c
Body parameters
Example{ "transaction_type": "SALE", "payment_type": "credit-card", "amount": 1.01, "currency": "GBP", "return_url": "", "notification_url": "", "card_layout": "single-line" }

Successful response